iSafe Pregnancy Maternity And Feeding Pillow £20.45 Delivered @ Amazon Seller: Baby Travel Limited

iSafe Pregnancy Maternity And Feeding Pillow £20.45 Delivered @ Amazon Seller: Baby Travel Limited

You know those 'V shaped' pillows you get when you're pregnant? They are a godsend and mine helped me to get a good nights sleep when I was full term. The thing is, they can be a bit steep in price, that's why we have to share this great deal on one... the iSafe Pregnancy Maternity and Feeding Pillow is now only £14.95 plus £5.50 postage (it's BIG!). That's just £20.45 delivered. A cracking price! If you fancy it just click the link below and it'll take you over to Amazon Seller: Baby Travel Limited's page.

The iSafe Pregnancy Maternity and Feeding Pillow has a FIVE star rating, and if I had one of these I would probably give it the same. It's HUGE and looks like it'll support and comfort you on those tough nights.

It's also useful for feeding. Pull it around your front and it can enable baby to sit in a position that's comfortable for you both at feeding time.

When I say that this is big, I mean 12ft big. Yup, that means that it's a 'whole body' pillow. I am not pregnant but this looks awesome for in bed... I am very tempted.

It's made from 50% cotton and 50% polyester and is sponge clean only.

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  • Anony

    You*re* C'mon you copntribute to a professional blog!

    • admin

      Thanks for the heads up, we've amended that now :)