Mum Asks Supermarkets To Sell Larger Nappies

Mum Asks Supermarkets To Sell Larger Nappies

Glasgow-based mum of two Laura Rutherford has started a petition to ask UK supermarkets to sell larger nappies for children with additional support needs, or those who are later to potty train.

On her change.Org post, Laura writes:

This request is in addition to the continence service, which provides nappies for parents of disabled children who are incontinent. Despite this beneficial service, there is huge demand for larger nappies as the service varies throughout the UK in terms of eligibility, referral age, waiting time and the number of nappies provided.

As a result of this, parents are forced to buy online when they are either ineligible or simply require more nappies. These nappies come at a price and of course, you have to wait for delivery. To be able to go in to a supermarket and buy larger sizes would benefit many families, mine included.

My son Brody has just turned 4. He has Global Development Delay, epilepsy, hypotonia and hypermobility. He is non-verbal and not yet potty trained. He wears the largest size of nappy (6+) from Tesco and this is becoming too small.

Laura shared her view on Tesco's Facebook page last year and says she has received lots of support.

But without knowing whether Tesco will help, Laura is calling on all UK supermarkets to consider her request. She adds that she has also been asked by parents and carers to include the need for larger swim nappies and for nappies larger than a size 7.

She writes:

I have gained a lot of support by media and charities via Facebook and Twitter, such as Cornerstone Scotland, Changing Places, Family Fund, PosAbility Magazine, Enable Scotland, SENDirect, Mencap, The Makaton Charity, SWAN UK, Scottish Commission for Learning Disability and the Scottish Disability Equality Forum.

You can support Laura's campaign by clicking here.

So far more than 9,500 people have signed the petition. If this is something you also feel strongly about, please share it on Facebook and come and tell us why it matters to you over on our Facebook page.

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  • Traceyfar

    well done Laura!