Katie Price Posts Pic Of Baby Bunny's Pierced Ears

Katie Price Posts Pic Of Baby Bunny's Pierced Ears

Katie Price has shared a snap on Instagram of her baby daughter's pierced ears. Bunny, who is 18 months old, seems to have got some new bling in her baby lug-holes.

The Metro reports:

"Just a week after publicly holding her hands up on Loose Women and admitting she was wrong to share a picture of her daughter Princess in heavy make-up, Katie Price has found herself under attack for an Instagram photo once again."

This time the focus of people's ire are the earrings which adorn baby Bunny's ears. Apparently many of Katie's followers are appalled that Katie has permitted her daughter to have her ears pierced at this age.

Katie, whose husband Kieran is half-Spanish, has reportedly commented that it's tradition for all the girls in her husband's family to have their ears pierced as babies.

One critic wrote on Katie's Instagram account:

"They should be a law stopping babies getting pierced!! They havnt asked for it and it's for pure vanity reasons by the parent it's selfish and there's just no need for it at all! Wait until they are old enough to ask themselves!!"

But another countered:

"My daughter had her ears done when she was 3 months old, no problem with them at all. In Spain they pierce them in the hospital when they're born! If your daughter doesn't have her ears pierced, even if you dress them from head to toe in pink, they think you have a boy! Each to their own."

On today's Loose Women, Katie said:

"I only got Bunny's done, not Princess', and people are talking about it. I did get it done and I'm not going to sit here and have to justify myself. She looks really cute."

What's your view on piercing babies' ears? You can come and have your say over on our Facebook page.

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  • Claresonnenburg

    I had my daughters ears pierced at a year old I think it is up to the parents to make the decision whether they want to have their daughter's ears pierced, I had mine done when I was little and it seemed only natural to have my daughters done too! I don't understand where the problem is.

    • heidi

      Thanks for reading - I'm with you that it's a super-personal decision.

    • Caz7963

      why don't you just leave the girl alone she's trying her best and shes a good mum !!

      • heidi

        Aw we're not having a pop at KP. She's debating the issue on Loose Women - I think she's probably ok with us joining in the debate!

      • Niamh

        I think it's the parents decision when to have there child's ears pierced,it's about time we had a say over what we want for our children,it's nobodies business,leave the poor girl alone.