Check Out The Breastfeeding 'Twosie'

Check Out The Breastfeeding 'Twosie'

If you thought onesies were the ultimate in comfy mum-wear, wait till you clap eyes on the twosie - specially designed for breastfeeding mums.

I thought we'd seen the like of this already but it turns out it's not just a onesie made for two - or at least not in the way you're thinking.

The Daily Mail reports:

"One innovative Australian mother has come up with just the thing to keep you warm on a cold night feed - the 'twosie'.So called because it has special zippers to allow breastfeeding, the genius sleep suit is perfect for the upcoming winter months."

Mum Alina Sack came up with the idea of creating a 2.5 tog rating twosie suit to "encourage a much more snuggly, middle of the night experience" for mums and their babies.

I flippin' love this idea. I well remember feeding my first baby on Arctic nights in the middle of January in a flat with a broken window that wouldn't close properly. We even invested in a posh, pricy woollen blanket in my bid to avoid freezing to death during night feeds, so I could seriously have done with one of these.

But an ergoPouch 'twosie' aint cheap - it'll set you back to the tune of a cool $149.95, which is around £75.

Although, I can't help thinking that a standard onesie might do the trick just as well - and if I were investing in one of these I think I'd fancy a cheerier colour. But we'd would love to hear what you make of them. If money were no object, would you invest in one?

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