Looking for a balance bike to get your little one? ELC have dropped a third off these Smart Trike 2-in-1 Balance Bikes, making then just £19.99 rather than the usual £29.99 price. They come in two colours and both are the same price.
Balance bikes are designed for learners so that they can practise honing their balancing skills before moving on the tricky pedalling part of bicycle riding.
These Smart Trike Balance Bikes have a comfort ride seat, and adjustable handle bar, and the frame can flip so that you have a choice of 2 heights of frame for your child as they learn.
The bike has a low centre of gravity so children can build confidence as they steer, balance, scoot and cruise around. Easier to ride than a regular bike, children are seated so that their little legs can reach the ground comfortably and to get going, they simply walk to ride and then, eventually, run and cruise.
ELC offer free click and collect on all orders, with home delivery being free on orders of £40 or more, and charges from £3.95 when you spends less.