This time of year is ideal for going out on scenic bike rides. When you have a little tot it can restrict how far you can go even if they are good at cycling.
Amazon are selling the Raleigh Avenir Snug child seat for £28.69 delivered. These sell elsewhere for £35 plus. If you are on the look out for an affordable bicycle child seat then you will struggle to get one this good for this price.
Last year I bought myself one of these, and honestly it was one of the best purchases I have ever made. My friends hear me rave about these constantly. Without it, we never did family bike rides around the loch.
These fit onto the back of most bicycles very securely and easily. If you have a rear suspension bike then these are an absolute no go. I have a front suspension bike and it’s absolutely fine.
There’s little stirrups to keep your little ones legs from flailing about kicking you in the back. However, a swift kick up the rear end is sometimes required when I am cycling uphill.
Your child is secured in with a 3 point harness, and it’s adjustable so they can’t wriggle out. The seat is cushioned for the comfort of your child.
The recommended weight for this bike seat is 9kg to 22kg. I can account for having a 3 stone child in mine. He was secure enough, but boy was it hard going.
With three positioning options, these are very easy to get on and off your bike. There’s some minor assembly required but it’s really a case of clicking one or two bits in.