Kid's trikes have really come down in price in the last couple of years, and this Paw Patrol My First Trike is a cracking buy at Bargain Max. It's down to just £36.99, and there's free delivery as well!
This trike starts out as a parent-powered push-along that you use the long handle for, with the front wheels fixed as a foot rest for little ones.
As your child grows the parent handle can be removed, and the wheels freed up for pedalling.
Both the parent handle and the children's handlebars are height adjustable for ease of use, and the back of the trike has a handy little storage bucket so little ones can bring along their favourite toy for the ride.
This trike is suitable for ages two and upwards, with a maximum weight capacity of 20kg.
Standard UK delivery is currently free of charge on all orders at Bargain Max.
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