Balance bikes are a great way of teaching your child the skills they need to ride a bicycle, and these new My Buddy Wheels bikes make it so much more fun for little ones. They're available exclusively at Halfords, and they are currently on offer! Get them for only £50.40 instead of £70.
These fab bikes are down to just £56 however Halfords are giving as an extra 10% off everything with the code XMAS10. Making them just £50.40! This code works on everything and is valid until 23:59 on Christmas Day.
This innovative new bike has a cuddly unicorn, dinosaur or horse that cleverly disguise a lightweight balance bike, and kids will have so much fun riding their new 'buddy' that they won't realise they're learning the skills they need for cycling.
The 'buddy' part is removable and can be machine washed, so it doesn't matter too much if they get muddy in the park.
The balance bike itself has a height adjustable seat and handlebar so the bike will grow with your child, as they develop their balance, grip, stability and confidence.
My Buddy Wheels are available exclusively at Halfords, and are priced at £70 with free delivery however they are currently down to only £56 or £50.40 using the code XMAS10.