My enduring memories of swingball...? I wasn't destined to be the next Martina Navratilova!
My other memories of swingball are wonky poles in the ground where it was either too hard to get the pole deep enough, or the ground was too soft to keep it upright and immense strength was required to get the ball from one player to another.
All hail the Mookie first swingball! No poles to hammer into the ground and it's perfectly sized and weighted for small people, hurrah!
It has a solid base which is suitable for all surfaces so it can be used both indoors and out - no need for the kids to stand looking wistfully at their swingball in the garden when it's raining. It comes with lightweight bats and a soft foam ball and everything can be packed away into the base for easy storage and portability.
There is an 'aim of the game' too - which I don't remember there being with the swingball I tried to play as a kid - play starts with the 'twizzly bit' positioned in the middle of the pole. Each player takes it in turns to hit the ball, one hitting clockwise, the other anticlockwise and the 'twizzly bit' moves up or down the pole, dependent on the direction of the hit and you have to get the 'twizzly bit' to the top or bottom of the pole first.
This is brilliant for developing hand eye coordination and getting the kids active and out in the garden. The price is pretty good too - £16.00 (reduced from £20.99) and free delivery with SuperSaver.
Thanks to lucerysmum over at HUKD