One of life's great milestones. Buying your child their first pedal bike.Tesco has knocked a tenner off its Magna Major Damage 12" Bike, now £39.99.
My son has had a pedal-less bike since he was 2. To be honest he outgrew it a year ago, but he's so attached to it that we've not been able to make the transition. Now he's just far too big and needs something larger. He's small for his age, but still he has probably also outgrown many of the 'first bike' models out there as well!
According to bigpoppa at HUKD, who first posted this deal, the Magna Major Damage bike is a little larger than other first bikes. I couldn't find anything about the bike's actual size on the site, other than the wheels being 12 inches.
The bike has detachable stabilizers. The website says that "there's also a handlebar pad to help keep them safe as they master their balance and have lots of fun too. " The recommended age range for this bike is three to four years old.