When the weather is nice, it's great for the kids to get out. Scooters and bikes are a great way to get little ones active, but pogo sticks are much more fun. This Jump 'N' Bounce Bungee Hopper Soft Pogo Stick is ridiculously cheap on Amazon at just £10.96.
Jump 'N' Bounce Soft Pogo Stick
Pogo sticks can be tricky to balance on, but the Jump 'N' Bounce Soft Pogo Stick is much easier to use than the traditional ones.
It can be used outdoors on those sunny days and indoors when it's rainy out.
These are really easy to use, and use up lots of excess energy. The bungee operated mechanism acts just like a pogo stick,
Delivery is free for Amazon Prime members, or non-members spending £20 or more.
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