Intex Clearview Aquarium Pool £5.99 @ Amazon

Plus free delivery if you have Prime
Intex Clearview Aquarium Pool £5.99 @ Amazon

Whether you already have the warmer weather or are just looking forward to summer sunshine this Intex Clearview Aquarium Pool is an absolute bargain right now from Amazon at £5.99 and delivery is free if you have prime.

Screenshot showing Intex Clearview Aquarium Pool for £5.99 at Amazon

Measuring 159 x 159 x 50 centimetres this pool is a decent size and has great reviews.

Usually around the £25 mark on Amazon, and still selling for more elsewhere, this price is fab, especially if you have prime and can bag that free delivery.

You just know if you don't pick this up now you'll have to pay loads more and spend ages hunting to boot so grab it!

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