Chad Valley Funtivity Playhouse £99.99 @ Argos

Chad Valley Funtivity Playhouse £99.99 @ Argos

chad valley funtivity

The Chad Valley Funtivity Playhouse looks like the ULTIMATE playhouse to me. It is not cheap but it is at the best price we have ever seen it for. Argos have reduced the price of this fun looking outdoor toy from £199.99 to just £99.99. No one in their right mind would have paid that £200 price tag, surely? Okay, so it's about £100 now but look at it. Every pound spent on that is equal to at least an hour of fun per child.

The Chad Valley Funtivity Playhouse has a 4.2 star rating on Argos and the reviews suggest that this toy is a hit with small children. It's a chunky plastic structure with a fabric tunnel, you know the type you get with the pop up playhouses?

This playhouse features a door that opens and shuts, that leads to the inside of the house. That leads to a window hole that your little ones might escape through, or through the tunnel. There is also a slide too which the kids will just adore.

You can Reserve and Collect the Chad Valley Funtivity Playhouse for FREE from Argos or pay £3.95 for home delivery.

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  • ruthsowden
    Argos have got the chad valley funtivity playhouse for £129.99 and not £99.99 as you quoted. Has the price gone up?
    • karenplaypennies
      Argos have got the chad valley funtivity playhouse for £129.99 and not £99.99 as you quoted. Has the price gone up?
      It looks as though it has Ruth (Nada's blog was written a few weeks ago now on the 7th) :( I'll expire the blog and sorry you missed out!