The Smart Trike Plus 3 in 1 is an awesome toy and exercise doodad for kids. Down from £79.99 to a mere £49.99, including free delivery, on Amazon, this is a good bargain for parents of tiny tots who want a toy they can grow with. Not the parents, the kids. Obviously.
The Smart Trike Plus is made from metal and comes with a removable parent handle, a detachable sun roof, a padded seat cover, a seat belt and a safety bar. The trike can be adjusted to suit three different modes of transportation.
In the first mode, tiny tots from the age of about two can sit safely ensconced in the front while you control and push the trike with the detachable parent handle. In mode 2, kids will be able to propel themselves but you retain a measure of control. In the final stage, they can zip about on the trike sans extra safety seat and parent control handle. An ace trike for kids to grow up with at a great price.
Thanks to babyblue at HUKD!