Mam Travel Review

Mam Travel Review

MAM recently sent us one of their latest baby products to review. Being summer, they sent us an item that is particularly suitable for use when travelling.

It's the Mam Perfect Soother (£6.99 from Amazon) which is 60% thinner and three times softer than regular silicone soothers. That's apparently due to its symmetrical Dentoflex® teat neck, and, as with all MAM products, it is made of BPA-free materials.

We were sent the Pearl Vintage Opaque design which is unusually stylish for a soother - no garish colours or overly cutesy graphics. Designed to reduce the risk of misaligned teeth, the MAM Perfect Soother was developed with orthodontists and paediatric dentists, and clinically tested by the Dental University Clinic of Vienna. It also features MAM‘s patented Silk Teat - which is purported to be incomparably comfortable in baby‘s mouth. Apparently the thinner and softer the teat neck, the less pressure there is on baby's jaw and teeth, which means reduced risk of malocclusions. Which is a posh word for misalignment of the teeth - the thing that seems to put lots of parents off the idea of using a dummy.

Admittedly I, like many parents, originally swore that no child of mine would ever use a dummy, but I'm pretty sure I had cracked open my emergency stash of soothers within the first 48 hours of both of my babies' lives. And now, with a third child's arrival imminent, suffice it to say that I've already packed several soothers in my hospital bag. I particularly like MAM soothers. It's hard to prove that their claims are true when it comes to preventing misaligned teeth and maximum comfort for a baby etc - but all I can say is that each of my children have taken happily to MAM soothers and, crucially, have had no dental problems and also no problem giving up their soothers voluntarily well before they reached six months of age.

The baby that we gave the MAM Perfect Soother to certainly took to it happily. It was very obvious that she was used to a different make of dummy, and consequently she rolled this one around in her mouth and chewed on it with suspicion but it wasn't long before she was contently sucking away on it like Maggie from the Simpsons.

However the best feature of the MAM Perfect Soother is that it comes in a handy high quality transport steriliser box that is perfect for use when travelling. You just fill the box with water up to the indicated level, pop the soother in the box and close the lid, and then microwave it for three minutes at 750-1000 watts. Drain the box and voila - you have sterilised dummies in a handy travel box. Now THAT is a clever idea, and is alone enough to make me choose a MAM Perfect Soother over any other version. Any parent who has relied on a dummy to keep the peace knows how stressful it is when they end up flung on the floor and your options for sterilising them are limited, not to mention those cringe-worthy moments when you need a dummy and the only one you can find to hand is buried at the bottom of your handbag and covered in fluff and tissues! So this strikes me as a really practical, well-considered solution for dealing with just that scenario.

Pros: Solves the age-old sterile dummy problem. Awesome.

Cons: Nope, can't think of a single one.

Overall Verdict: 9/10

Click here for details of where to buy MAM baby products.

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