Graco Vivo Travel System £125 @ Amazon

Graco Vivo Travel System £125 @ Amazon


Amazon have marked the Graco Vivo Travel System down from the hefty price of £249.99 to a verrry nice £125. That’s a saving of £124.99 – almost exactly half price. The Graco pushchair also comes with free delivery and includes a raincover.

The Graco Vivo Travel System is suitable from birth to around three months old and includes a multi-recline backrest for extra comfort. The spring suspension lets you go over rough terrain without jostling baby, the padded seat and 5-point harness ensure their safety, and it has a UV reversible canopy included as well.

The handles are height adjustable, it is easily folded for storage, it has a large storage unit under the seat, and comes with a Junior Baby car seat included in the package. I am faintly bemused by the fact that Amazon say it is for 0-3 months, I am assuming that is just for the car seat, and not for the pushchair which looks more than suitable for kids a lot older than that.

It is a massive discount for the Graco Vivo system and well worth considering if you are on the lookout for one.

Thanks to fish1234567 at HUKD!

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  • Tom W.
    It says on the amazon description that it is from birth to 3 months, surely that can not be right, can it?
    • Nomeames
      Thats typo. It is 0-3 years actually.