Cover All Bib With Sleeves £1 @ Poundland

Cover All Bib With Sleeves £1 @ Poundland


The price of these cover-all bibs at Poundland should not come as a huge surprise to you. Yes, they are only £1 and you can nab yourself several of these at your nearest store. For this price they are a brilliant buy because they can be used for weaning, painting, colouring, dribbling and so much more.

I love the price on these because they can be used for pretty much anything you want and your heart won’t get broken when they stain, rip, tear or fall apart. And for £5 you can have quite a few of these to last you throughout the week.

This is also a money save because it will keep your child’s good clothes clean thus giving them more life and less chance of being turned into tattery cloths thanks to stubborn stains. These bibs were a staple in our house and I had some for painting, some for feeding and some for playing outside in. They can be washed in the machine and last for ages.

Thanks to sb123 at HUKD!

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  • Ling
    I came on to add my experience about this. I was recently making a mental list of the baby items for which it was false economy getting a cheaper version and this was one of the items. I found these terry backed long sleeved bibs a godsend as I did Baby Led Weaning with my little one. We have gone through just about every bib on the market and have settled on a combination of this at the bottom and a pelican scoop bib over the top. I have 2 brands of this bib... well, had. A generic supermarket one and a set from John Lewis. My supermarket one is not dissimilar to this one above in that it has no fastenings to go round the waist and I am guessing a similar quality (tho I paid maybe 75p more for when it was on offer). The ones from John Lewis cost around £3-3.50 each as I also got these in the sale. The John Lewis ones have survived over a year of being washing several times a week and show no signs of wear. The supermarket ones packed up (plastic backing cracked) ages ago... they were the least favourite due to the ill fit (most bibs were too big for a 6 month old) but still only gave up about 3 or 4 months of service. I can't say that if you bought 5 of these in order to wash them less, they would last you the duration it takes for your child to not need them any longer. But certainly I still find uses for my 18 month old who nearly does not need this anymore from art to "helping" mummy cook
    • Ling
      BTW I washed his bibs in which ever wash load was going rather that rush out a baby wash each time I needed a clean bib. He has moderately bad eczema and his wash uses a non-bio but for the purposes of washing the bib, this did not make any difference in fact the bio wash probably helped remove some food stains.