Awesome Weaning Discounts @ Tesco

Awesome Weaning Discounts @ Tesco

Tesco WeaningTesco has some awesome discounts on weaning equipment with sales on weaning spoons and bibs.

Whether you puree feed or do baby led weaning, you need cutlery at some point, and I found starting my one year old on cutlery earlier rather than later was a lot simpler than trying to get my three year old started on it. I guess they get used it it sooner and it helps with hand eye coordination, or something. And each feeding method benefits from bibs too - or at least their clothes do.

Tesco My Babys Bibscome in packs of two and are reduced from £3.14 to £1 - not bad at 50p each.

Tesco Loves Baby Yummy First Spoonscome in packs of 5, and they're different colours. They also have more than half off, as they were £2.15 and are now 85p. That's pretty good value.

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