Yeah, I have this little birdie who keeps telling me about the cool offers they have at the Tesco Baby Event and so I’ve decided to pop a bunch of them into one mahoosive deal post so you can get all excited about saving cash on baby essentials.
Some of the great offers at the Tesco Baby Event include Pampers kits: Baby Dry carry packs down to £4.30, Simply Dry carry packs down to £3. Johnson’s baby wipes are down to 95p per pack of 64, and Huggies Super Dry Economy Packs are half price at £4.99.
Aptamil Growing Up Milk is £6.50 for 900g and Johnson’s products are reduced across many items in the range to less than £3 in all cases. Half price buys include Tommee Tippee stuff like electronic steam sterilisers from £47 to £23, electric breast pumps to £49 and plenty more.
You’ll also find the latest news about discounts and deals by checking out their site and twitter feed on a regular basis. Happy shopping!