Rainbow shaving cream bath paints - one of those clever ideas that is so simple, you wonder why on earth YOU didn't think of it before. Or maybe you did and it's just me who didn't.
If you have a child who needs a bit of persuasion to get into the water then playing with rainbow shaving cream bath paint could be just the thing. If you have a budding Monet or Rembrandt then you'll know that drawing in the bath is a must!
I bought bath crayons for my youngest years ago and whilst they were a raging success there were a couple of problems with them:
- They got soggy if dropped into the bath unnoticed
- He couldn't bear to wash his pictures off which left a slight stain on the bath that I couldn't get off
This rainbow shaving cream bath paint idea would have been a perfect solution.
Here's what you need:
- Get some shaving foam
- Food colourings of your choice
- Some sort of container(s) to hold your shaving foam paints
Here's what to do:
- Mix various colours into shaving foam
- Put kids in the bath
- Hand over shaving foam paints
- Let them PAINT!
Best of luck trying to get them out of the water, even after it's stone cold.