DIY Play Kitchen

DIY Play Kitchen

If you've been 'with' us at PlayPennies for a while and know about my loathing for play kitchens, you'll be forgiven for wondering whether I've temporarily (some might say already permanently) taken leave of my senses - telling you how to make your very own play kitchen is the last thing you would expect from me.

So let me clear things up a little first:  I don't dislike play kitchens in general - what I dislike/loathe/despise/hate/cannot STAND is the gender stereotyping that tends to go along with them.

They are, on the whole, made in various shades of pink...FOR GIRLS! They are aimed, for the most part, at GIRLS!

"Hey, you GIRLS, now you can also waste far too much of your life drudging around in the kitchen!  You too can spend hours slaving over a 'hot' pink, plastic stove and sink emulating your mother because that's what GIRLS are destined for in this life.  It's only the boys who become lauded chefs in the style of Raymond Blanc, Michele Roux Jnr et al (and their play kitchens weren't PINK!), so let's get you used to the domestic side of things nice and early!"

THAT is what makes me want to poke forks in my eyes when I write about your bog standard plastic play kitchen! That, and them being massively overpriced as well.

SO, here's an alternative that ticks all of the play kitchen solution boxes for me - make your OWN play kitchen.

You can choose the colour scheme; you can make it for a boy (my youngest cooked up a veritable storm in the little play house in the pocket park when he was a few years younger; play cooking is not just for girls!), you can kit it out with whichever appliances and gadgets you see fit, and it will cost you a fraction of the plastic tat price!

Happy making your own play kitchen!

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