Collect Ten Tokens For FREE £10 Tesco Gift Card (Can Be Used For Petrol) With The Sun

Collect Ten Tokens For FREE £10 Tesco Gift Card (Can Be Used For Petrol) With The Sun

The Sun

Let's be honest, £10 to spend in a supermarket would come in handy at any time of the year, but in the run up to Christmas, it can be welcomed even more. The Sun and Tesco have teamed up to give readers the chance of bagging a FREE £10 Tesco Gift Card when they collect tokens. The great news is that it's not just groceries that you can use the gift card on, but PETROL!

All you need to do is collect TEN tokens that will be printed in The Sun newspaper. There will be a total of SIXTEEN printed from now until the 18th October, so worry not if you miss one or two. Just attach your tokens to the form supplied in The Sun and send them off. Then it's just a matter of waiting for your FREEBIE!

In total, you will pay £4 once you have bought enough papers to claim your £10 Tesco Gift Card, which means you will get £6 profit!

You can only claim one per household, so it's worth bearing that in mind before you go out and clear the shelves.

Apparently, there are NO restrictions on what you can spend it on, so you can use it on petrol, alcohol and possibly even baby milk!

Click here* for more info.

Thanks to foxymeister @ HUKD

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Reply to

  • mickey20409
    what address do I send my vouchers of 2?
    • karenplaypennies
      what address do I send my vouchers of 2?
      From reading the link above mickey it looks like it's printed on the form you've collected?
      • calvaria
        The address is not on the form, anybody know it and can let me know Thanks
        • redeye61
          hi ya did you manage to get the adress mate
          • nadacolada
            what address do I send my vouchers of 2?
            On searching online, this seems to be the problem for everyone! Tut Tut The Sun! I will keep my eyes peeled for the address and as soon as I find it I will let you know. :D Nada
            • helloitsmedazza
              Here's the address: Free £10 Tesco Petrol, PO Box 7778, Colchester CO2 8WH
              • nadacolada
                Here's the address: Free £10 Tesco Petrol, PO Box 7778, Colchester CO2 8WH
                BIG Thank you! :D
                • charzz
                  Is it freepost or do I have to stamp it.
                  • sarnie13
                    When will the vouchers be sent out.
                    • fishy1

                      still waiting for the so called voucher???

                      • reborn1970

                        Yes, me too?? How do I contact the Sun to ask the wherabouts??

                        • naw83

                          I have, what they said is written below

                    • Roma251
                      They seem to be taking a long time to send the gift cards out??
                      • Anthony2244
                        Very long time waiting for vouchers
                        • john222222
                          Whats happening about vouchers .long while comming
                          • keva
                            I'm beggining to wonder if the post man as had my vouchers away
                            • nadacolada
                              WOW! Seems The Sun haven't made a very good job of this promotion. Hope they send out your vouchers to you all soon. Nada :D
                              • middle81
                                Has anyone received their vouchers yet?
                                • tracyf72

                                  I received mine Monday 9th nov but my mam not received hers yet both sets of tokens were posted together so thought hers would've came by now 

                                • geordie4
                                  haven't seen any vouchers yet. I genuinely thought the postie was enjoying it but if no one else has theirs then maybe they forgot about us?!
                                  • -2b

                                    sent as required  10 different tokens over a month ago still waiting for voucher

                                    • Jimbo

                                      Like a lot of other people, I am still waiting for my vouchers to be sent. The required tokens we're sent over a month ago.

                                      Also collected tokens for voucher from Morrisons from the sun Still waiting for them as well !!!

                                      This promotion has not help the Sun's reputation

                                      • ems10

                                        We did both the Tesco and Morrisons offers and have not had anything yet either. 

                                        I was too begining the posties had had a field day.

                                        Pretty bad

                                        • naw83

                                          I contacted the sun and the tesco voucher should be no later than the 30th of Nov and the morrisons no later than the 16 Dec and the Gillette razor before Christmas too. Hope this helps