How To Apply For A Blue Peter Badge

How To Apply For A Blue Peter Badge

blue peter badge

I have wanted one of these since I was a little nipper. What is it, you ask? A Blue Peter badge of course! I remember those days when people that owned one of these highly coveted pins were seen as an exclusive club.

Here's a bit from the BBC on what a Blue Peter badge is:

A Blue Peter badge is a special award given to people who appear on the show, or in recognition of achievement. Applicants must be 6 to 15 years old. Badge owners can gain free entry into over 200 Blue Peter Badge Attractions around the country such as theme parks, zoos and castles.


Want to know how to get one? Simply send a letter in a minimum of 50 words explaining why you think you should be awarded a Blue Peter badge and of course, which badge you want. Click here to check out the different badges.

Remember, include anything that will support your reason for applying. Like photos, or a link to photos online of something you may have made. Send it along with your full name, date of birth, address and postcode. If it's a group application then each member must include their names, date of births and addresses.

Applications are to be sent to : MediaCityUK
M50 2BH

Good luck! Let us know if your child manages to get and what they did to achieve one.

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  • Kurt2009
    please can I have two bages please
    • turtle99head

      i would love to have a badge they are the best but how do you get one

    • adiengem
      • Penn4937
        Please could I have two badges please My children made cakes for there local church hall that is in need of a new roof . They really worked hard not the best but made with love Lewis penn age 19 Imogen penn age 6
        • sharonmarie
          I got my badge when I was 10 years old...i am now question is..can it still be used in adulthood..if so that would be epic..thanks
          • notagain12
            Hi can my son have one please. He is 10 years old and cares for me, his mum who suffers with fibromialgia, epilepsy, TIA's and had a heart attack last year. He would love a blue badge please.
            • Mrslothian83
              My Daughter was promised a blue Peter badge she broke a world record of the words largest samba band at the royal Albert Hall and never got her badge she was gutted... it was even shown on the shoe
              • LuschkaPP
                Hi can my son have one please. He is 10 years old and cares for me, his mum who suffers with fibromialgia, epilepsy, TIA's and had a heart attack last year. He would love a blue badge please.
                Hi, Please contact the BBC directly for these badges. They should be able to help you.
                • 2002

                  hi my name is Jessica finch and I would like the blue peter badge