Last month I told you about the Buy One Get One Half Price offer on selected Baby Sleeping Bags at Mothercare; THIS month they have a Buy One Get One Free offer on selected Baby Sleeping Bags.
I am SUCH a fan of baby sleeping bags it's almost boderline fantaticism, but if you've ever spent night after night after night putting blankets back over fidgeting babies you'll know where it comes from.
Both eldest son and daughter were born in the middle of November and whilst my son would wake up, pretty much, in the same position he went to sleep in, my daughter was a fidget and it was a pain.
Baby sleeping bags didn't exist back in the mid 1990s, or if they did they managed to pass me by.
My youngest was born in July and come the winter I was READY with various baby sleeping bags for him and ohhh the joy!
No more tucking in blankets thousands of times a night, changing nappies in the middle of the night a breeze – just un-popper the baby sleeping bag at the business end leaving the top half of baby still snuggly and warm.
Baby sleeping bags are definitely on my MUST HAVE baby item list.
Prices start from £21.99 and go up to £39.99 and the cheapest baby sleeping bags in your basket will be the free ones, all you have to do is choose the ones you like and Mothercare will sort out the rest for you.
Thanks to nono2522 at HUKD