Xbox One Plus FIVE Games £349.99 Delivered @ eBay Seller/Shop To

Xbox One Plus FIVE Games £349.99 Delivered @ eBay Seller/Shop To

xbox one with 5

If you are on the look out for an Xbox with a few games, then you are going to be all over this deal like a bad rash. This is a cracking offer, although I will point out that the games are aimed at teens not young children. For just £349.99, you can get yourself an Xbox One with FIVE games from eBay seller Shop To. Holy moly! The console on its own is £309.99 from Zavvi, and we all know how expensive games are!

Right, so what exactly do you get for the £349,99?

Xbox One console, Xbox One Wireless Controller, 500GB Hard Drive, Xbox One Chat Headset, HDMI cable, Power Supply ,MGS V: Ground Zeroes, Titanfall, Battlefield 4, Wolfenstein, Forza 5. Basically everything you need to be in gamer heaven!

I seriously cannot get over how good this price is, and by the way you also get FREE delivery. If this is for a child at Christmas and the games just are too grown up for them, then consider trading them in at CEX or Game and getting something child friendly.

Thanks to coolboy101 @ HUKD

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