If music be the food of love, and all that, then it's probably a good idea to get the littlies started early. This Thomas The Tank Engine Rock 'n' Roll Guitar from Play.com for £7.99 with delivery – down from £19.99 saves you 60%
“Bringing 2 favourites together for the perfect boys noise toy”, say Play.com, but I am pretty sure there are a few girls out there who would love it too.
It features 2 interactive modes, each with 6 tunes. Automatic Mode plays the full tune, you just add in the sound effects. Strum Mode lets you strum to play the full tune. It also features flashing musical notes while the music plays, and sounds effects from sliding Percy and using the signal light as a whammy bar.
Although your child isn't going to learn much musically from this guitar, it's good for a bit of fun, perhaps enough to get them interested and see where it goes from there.
Delivery is free from Play.com, the item is in stock and usually dispatched within 24 hours.
Thanks to mumoftree at HUKD