Where To Buy Stranger Things Monopoly

Best deals on the special edition Monopoly board game
Where To Buy Stranger Things Monopoly

Stranger Things fans we have found the perfect family board game for you to play. Stranger Things Monopoly is now available and it is just as amazing as you would imagine! This fab board game has an rrp of £29.99 but we've found it at much lower prices than that!

Monopoly: Stranger Things Board Game

In Stock

What Is Stranger Things Monopoly Game?

The game of Monopoly… turned upside down. Nothing interesting ever happened in Hawkins, Indiana. Until November 6, 1983. Now, will byers has gone missing, and it's up to you to find him. Search the town, travel through the locations of Hawkins, and avoid getting trapped in the upside down. Time is running out - and the Monster is out there, somewhere, looking for you...

The game itself is suitable for ages 14+ and includes eight sculpted tokens, houses and hotels all in the theme of Stranger Things Season One.

Stranger Things Monopoly

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