The latest Star Wars film The Force Awakens is released today on DVD, and the best price is not from the usual stores but from Morrisons. The price is £10 in just about every retailer, except Morrisons who are selling it for £8.
You can buy online with your groceries, or in store for the same price, and although £2 may nor seem like a big saving it's 20% better than everywhere else so worth picking up from Morrisons.
We have also heard that Sainsbury's are doing a promotion where you can get the DVD for £7 from today, but that is only when you spend £30 or more on shopping, not including the price of the DVD itself, so it's an extra to pick up in stores if you shop there already otherwise it's probably not worth it. That offer is not online, and we have not been able to confirm it for definite yet.
only £7 at Sainsbury. If you spen over £30