Fisher Price: Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Campground £10.99 @

Fisher Price: Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Campground £10.99 @ have the Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Campground from Fisher Price on offer at £10.99 instead of £17.99, saving you £7 and nothing to spend on delivery.

I used to quite like Mickey Mouse, and found the Clubhouse stuff relatively inoffensive to my rather short temper.  However, 26 weeks of pregnancy sickness rendered me a little useless as a mother at times, and our intake of Mickey and his Clubhouse adventures became far more frequent than I’d like to admit in a public place.  Suffice it to say, Mickey and his mooska-ventures are no longer welcome in our house as my husband and I now find it intolerable.

My daughter hasn’t gotten the memo though, and still frequently asks to curl up on the sofa and watch ‘Mickey Mouse on the laptop’. *sigh*

I’m not telling her about this offer, but I can tell you -  the set comes with a kayak, log-chairs, a bbq, a Clubhouse inspired tent that opens up, and a picnic basket. It also comes with a Mickey figurine and the ever-useful Toodles red reveal road sign and a Mystery Disk.

Thanks to wishihadadonkey at HUKD

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