Disney Mickey Mouse Spy Glass Telescope £6.49 @ Play.com

Disney Mickey Mouse Spy Glass Telescope £6.49 @ Play.com

There’s a Disney Mickey Mouse Spy Glass Telescope on offer at Play.com for £6.49 instead of £7.99.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is possibly the bane of my existence, and that Mousekatool business with Toodles is enough to drive me into the ground, much like Mickey’s foldaway clubhouse, but unfortunately, it’s probably my daughter’s favourite Youtube viewing.

As a result, I know she’d just love the spy-glass with four different coloured ‘lenses’. While the spy-glass itself is quite bold and colourful, the lenses come in four different colours so youngsters can literally view the world in any colour they want – of the four choices, anyway – and take a closer look at things, since the spy-glass is actually a magnifying glass.

It’s a good £4 - £8 cheaper than the same thing at other retailers, and of course, with Play.com, delivery is free.


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