I'm SO excited about this deal and I don't even eat chocolate! But you know, once you have kids everything is always so focused around THEM that us parents are oft neglected and deserve to indulge in a bit of pampering now and again
I'm struggling to resist the urge to buy this (I don't EAT chocolate!) because it's just so perfect for so many occasions!
So we've got Valentine's Day coming up: you've put the kid(s) to bed (or better still, shipped them out to the grandparents), had a lovely grown-up romantic dinner for two - not a spaghetti hoop or fish finger in sight - and for the grand finale all sorts of scrummy things dipped in warm melted scrummy chocolate.
Break open the chocolate fondue and pamper your inner chocoholic whilst indulging in your favourite movie. OH can you imagine - the house is quiet and it's just you in comfy clothes with your favourite movie and marshmallows to dip in GLORIOUS hot chocolate (I might have to start eating chocolate!).
At £7.20 (it was £30!) it's cheap enough to get a couple and give one to a parent YOU know who deserves to feel the love of chocolate fondue; I wish I ate chocolate!
Use these codes to get free delivery (SHD1) and drop the published £9.99 price to £7.20 (PY6P)
Thanks to wazzygib over at HUKD!