Curver Rattan Storage Baskets From £1.80 @ Amazon

There's three sizes to choose from
Curver Rattan Storage Baskets From £1.80 @ Amazon

If you're on the look out for extra storage then you won't want to miss out on these bargains from Amazon. They have a selection of Curver Storage Baskets from only £1.80, that's almost half the RRP.

They are such a great buy, especially if like my house, you are over run with toys and just need that extra storage!

I really like the rattan design, it looks a bit different and you get a massive 13 litres of storage for just £2.40 or 18 litres for £3.20!

All the boxes can be easily stacked too so why not stock up on a couple.

Home delivery is free when you spend £25 or more or if you have Amazon prime.

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