Amazon is always my go to place when it comes to restocking my cleaning and laundry cupboards. They always have the best prices and right now they just got even cheaper, thanks to a 4 for 3 on selected cleaning and laundry products at Amazon!
There are big brands on offer here, with all sorts of essentials to keep
your home looking fabulous. Here are some of our top picks:
- Zoflora Mountain Air Multipurpose Disinfectant Trigger Spray* 4 for £5.72 with subscribe and save
- Cif Ocean Floor Cleaner* 4 for £3.76 with subscribe and save
- Domestos Original Thick Bleach* 4 for £3.16 with subscribe and save
- Comfort Sunshiny Days Fabric Conditioner 33 Washes*4 for £5.20 with subscribe and save
- Duck Deep Action Gel Toilet Cleaner* 4 for £3 with subscribe and save
- Domestos Power 5 Ocean Toilet Rim Block* 4 for £3.35 with subscribe and save
This offer is on for a limited time only, and due to end on 25th March 2025. It includes selected items sold and dispatched by Amazon, and is subject to stock availability.
Home delivery is free when you spend £35 or if you have Amazon Prime.