It's the last few days of the popular penny sale at Holland & Barrett, where you can buy one product at full price, then buy the second at 1p, essentially making it a 2 for 1 sale.
It's that time of year where it seems useful to stock up with supplements to help you get through the winter months, so whatever your cocktail of choice, or if you just want chrystalised ginger for Christmas snacks, you can save a fortune on the penny sale.
A good one for me is the Vitamin D tablets as we start losing sunlight - I know some people can get them free, but not everyone can!
Evening Primrose Oil is brilliant in helping prepare the body for childbirth, and that's included in the offer, while many users swear by Manuka honey for winter immunity and that's included in the sale too.
For breastfeeding mums there's Brewer's Yeast in the sale - £5 for 2 - and if you just want to fill up the snack trays with a little healthier options, there are pumpkin seeds, nuts and dried fruits included too.