Snazaroo Halloween Face Paint Kit £2.99 @ Amazon

Snazaroo Halloween Face Paint Kit £2.99 @ Amazon

snazarooHalloweenFacePaintingKitAmazon are, just for now, selling these Snazaroo Halloween Face Paint Kits for £2.99 instead of £9.99

I promise I haven't gone mad; I know we've still got Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Easter, Father's Dayand the summer holidays to come BUT some of you are super-efficient and think nothing of already buying things for Christmas 2011.

ALSO I'm sure that the arty ones among you could use this Snazaroo Halloween Face Paint Kit to paint faces other than pumpkins, ghouls and ghosts, and there's something mildly amusing about writing a Halloween deal in January.

It comes with eight colours - just don't expect greens, yellows or blues - a sponge to put the base coats on and a brush for applying the finer details.

Should your artistic creative streak have abandoned you, the Snazaroo Halloween Face Paint Kit also comes with a face-painting guide to help you out and provide a bit of inspiration.

There isn't really much more I can tell you about it - it's a Halloween Face Paint Kit that you wouldn't have even been looking for (unless you ARE one of the super-organised) but now might be tempted to buy because...well, because then that's one thing you can tick off your 'things to buy in 2011' list (what do you mean you don't have one of those...? *grin*)


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  • Lynley O.
    I have this set! Got it three years ago now, and it has lasted three Halloweens. Still some left.