Adult Halloween Costumes £14.99 @ Littlewoods Clearance

Halloween costumes

If you're heading to a Halloween party this month, or even just stepping out with the children for some trick or treating, you might find this adult Halloween costume sale from Littlewoods Clearance for £14.99 really useful.

Even though Halloween is on the list of things that make me raise a sceptical eyebrow, I do love a good fancy dress party. There's so much fun in seeing, and sometimes guessing what other party-goers are meant to be and it can be a really good way of breaking the ice in a party where all the guests don't know each other.

But adult costumes are either one-size fits all, cheapy costumes that at least two other people will be wearing too, or speciality fancy dress or theatre suppliers, which aren't really penny-pinching friendly.

Littlewoods Clearance, have a few great costume choices. For men there are such choices as Optimus Prime, Super Man, Darth Vader, and Spiderman. If you've always wanted to be, or be with, a man in uniform, they also have police man, fireman and doctor outfits.

For women the options are somewhat less, but they still have Super Girl, Spider Girl, police woman and nurse outfits.

Littlewoods Clearance only accepts payments made through PayPal and delivery can take up to five days, so although you have time, don't wait around too long.

And do have a frightfully good time!

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