Baby Tooth Keepsake Box Now £6.99 @ Go Groopie

Baby Tooth Keepsake Box Now £6.99 @ Go Groopie

I have so many keepsakes from my daughter over the years that I am running out of room to store it all! Shes only 5 and hasn't yet lost any teeth but I am going to invest in one of these Baby Tooth Keepsake Boxes, saves storing them in a drawer somewhere!

This Baby Tooth Keepsake Box would make a great gift for a newborn or as a first birthday present. It's a great way to store your little one's milk teeth when they fall out.

There's spaces in the wooden box for all the milk teeth and there's even space to write all the details about your little one too. You can choose from a boy or girl design.

They are a bargain buy at Go Groopie as they normally retail for £19.99 each but you can get yours for just £6.99!

There's an additional charge of £2.99 for home delivery.

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  • jellybeans12

    If you look closely there's also a spce for umbilical cord and lanugo!   Save enough parts and you may be able to make your next one from just the pieces in the box.  By the way same product is £3.95 delivered from Ali Express