(Expired) Baby Milestone Cards £4 (Using Code) @ Amazon Seller AKKA Baby

(Expired) Baby Milestone Cards £4 (Using Code) @ Amazon Seller AKKA Baby

We have written about Baby Milestone Cards before as they are such a wonderful idea for recording those special moments with baby, and this new offer is the best price by far. You can get a set of 48 Baby Milestone Cards from Amazon seller AKKA Baby for just £4! They are listed at £5.50, which is already the cheapest price around, but add the code AKKABABY at the checkout and you get another £1.50 off!

This is a set of 38 cards for you to record those special baby firsts, like when they roll over, sit up, when they reach 12 weeks old, six months old, first Christmas and lots of other milestone events. There are also blank ones for you to record your own special milestones. The idea is that you take a photo of your baby with the card when the event happens, plus write the date on the card so that you have a permanent reminder of your baby's first year.

I think these cards are a wonderful idea, and I wish I had used them with my two boys. The time goes by so quickly when they are so tiny, and you really think you will remember everything but there's so much that happens that you just can't, or at least I couldn't.

I think these would make a wonderful baby shower present or New Baby Gift, and at just £4 they are an absolute bargain.

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  • Redleela

    Has the code stopped working? I am getting a message that it's not valid when I add it at checkout.

    • edandhen

      It looks like they have stopped the code now, yes, it's no longer showing on their page. Such a shame, sorry. I've expired the post now, thanks for letting us know.