Scrabble £11.22 @ Argos

Scrabble £11.22 @ Argos

Argos are selling that good old classic, Scrabble, for £11.22 - I've not seen it on sale for this low a price in quite some time; in fact, the last time was over a year ago.

I've written about Scrabble a couple of times before: I love it, my children love it, my mum loves it, my dad loves it and that's all down to my Grandma and Gramps.

My Grandma and Gramps look lovely and mild mannered with their silver hair and their 'grandparent' demeanour BUT, when they sit down to a Scrabble board and get ready to play...they TURN!

GONE are the sweet old people who'd do anything for you, their beloved family, and instead you're faced with the most ruthless wordsmiths who've ever stalked the planet - I kid you not, they're MEAN!

Of course, growing up with those two as my Scrabble adversaries has equipped me with a certain ruthless Scrabble streak of my own; there is only one policy when it comes to getting all  your tiles down on the board first, and with the highest possible score - NO MERCY!

Now, if any of your nearest Argos stores have stock then you can pop along and collect your game of Scrabble - a game or two after Christmas lunch then!  Otherwise you can arrange for home delivery, which will cost you an additional £3.95 and usually takes a couple of days - I've no idea what their delivery time scale's like at the moment, or what it'll be like during Christmas week.

Christmas fun aside: I've found Scrabble a great way to help children with every aspect of word formation, increasing their vocabulary, helping with spellings and generally spending some quality time with them.

Adults and younger children can make up two-man teams, or you can just jump between each child as the 'letter advisor', when they get a little older and want to start trying to work out more for themselves.

Thanks to Issue One at HUKD

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