The new Lego Marvel Avengers game is due out at the end of this month, and if you were looking for the best deals then Nada has spotted a brilliant price over at Simply Games. They have the lowest price by miles for the PS4 and XBox One versions of the game at just £34.85 with free delivery. Both also include the Thunderbolt DLC Pack as well as the main game so this is a bargain price.
My hubby has been watching for the lowest price for this (he says it's for our son, though he knows my fondness for all things Marvel) and will be hoping for a price match at Amazon, but so far they haven't done so and are still charging £37.99 for both the XBox One and PS4 formats.
Lego Marvel Avengers is not to be confused with the older Lego Marvel Superheroes (which my boys say is awesome by the way), and this game is released on 29th January. If you pre-order it from Simply Games they promise you will receive the game by the release date.
If you are after the game in an older or different format then you might find that Amazon* are still the cheapest, although they change their prices constantly!