If you are in need of purchasing some reading material, whether it's for you or to give as a gift, you need to have a nosey over at The Book People. For TODAY ONLY, you get to choose a FREE gift when you order goods up over £15. The FREE gift isn't some rubbish tat either. You get the choice, and the selection is great. PS, don't pick the Gino D'Acampo book because, he is all mine!
You can only get one FREE gift today, so pick wisely, or bully your neighbour into placing an order. Let me tell you what you can choose from Fanastico! By Gino D'Acampo (RRP £14.99), LEGO Spooky! Ultimate Sticker Collection (RRP £7.99), Twisted By Lynda La Plante (RRP £18.99), RHS 2015 Diary (RRP £13.99) and Christmas Gift Wrap Set (RRP £9.99).
They are also running other offers at them moment, and there's nothing to suggest you can't buy any of the reduced stock or even there make use of one of their fab deals. Like this Little Miss Book set* for only £25, delivered.
Delivery is £2.95 , unless you spend over £25 or a special set, then it's FREE.