Free Personalised Nutella Jar Label

Free Personalised Nutella Jar Label

nutellaIf you love Nutella, a little jar with your own - or someone in the family's - name on it. As part of their 50th celebration Nutella are giving away 5000 gifts. This month those are 1000 Nutella shopping bags, and 150 chopping boards up for competition prizes, but everyone that enters receives a personalised Nutella jar label.

Now, I must say that I can't see that it says jar anywhere - I don't think you actually get a jar of Nutella, just the label, but that would be easy enough to stick over a jar anyway.

There's a bit of work involved in this freebie as you have to submit your 'Nutella story', a picture, video or text story will do.

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  • zoeno1
    When I was expecting my son I had cravings for celery dipped in nutella! I still love nutella but not with celery now!
    • Rubyowen
      It's for my 6 year old daughter, who just loves Nutella , she as it every day x
      • Charlies1
        My daughter loves Nutella. Partner doesnt so refuses to buy it. My 4 year old recently had to go breakfast club before school as I had to work and now insists she goes every day. Odd I ask myself! Until I discovered why......she has nutella on toast every morning and at £2.50 a breakfast session im thinking we'll be getting a jar now to have at home! :-) Thanks for being so tasty :-)
        • Lucylou1104
          One day on the Nutella Facebook page I saw a contest to win a FREE jar of Nutella!! All you had to do was submit a photo of a nuttela breakfast! So I submitted a pic of pancakes and Nutella! I won but after a while my jar hadn't arrived! I messaged Nutella to ask where my jar was and they apologised and offered me TWO jars!! They even arrived on my birthday!! They were very yummy:3X)
          • Cheryl08
            • Debbiehowkins
              • Debbiehowkins
                • rebeccamariex
                  Me and my sis in law Claire are both pregnant with our second babies :) both expecting girls, 6 days apart! We are closer now than ever. Her craving is Nutella, it's all she snacks on and if she could get away with it it'd be her breakfast, dinner and tea! She would absolutely love her own personalised jar and would blatantly reuse it all the time! I would love to see her face! Thank you Nutella xxxx
                  • williswallis
                    I am a very big fan of nutella and used to be more of a fan when i was younger. My dad has a picture of me as a baby on his desk at work. I am gorging my self in nutella wearing just a nappy with the chocolate all over my face. Fond memories
                    • jquelderie
                      • blacksheepwarrior10
                        I have enjoyed Nutella since I was a child, I think it may have become an addiction as I'm now 44yrs old and I have a jar each week to my self (daughter has her own too!) Which I store in the fridge, as it scoops out like little chilled ice lollies. .I have made the cheesecake, cookies and the fudge which I will confess not many family or friends had a taste of, I can honestly say I love the stuff :)
                        • Libby1984
                          My best friend always has Nutella in the house. Every time I visit her I go straight to the cupboard, Nutella out, spoon out of the drawer, 2 spoonfuls, lick the spoon clean and put it back with the other spoons. She has no idea :-) x
                          • Charlene88
                            I started my new job and it's very tiring so one night I couldn't decide what I wanted for dinner until I came across a Nutella Pizza from the local chip shop, was lovely :)
                            • Vcollins87
                              My husband Tim loves Nutella on toast for his breakfast. Since having our son, they share Nutella on toast before we wave him off to work in the mornings. We would like a personalise label with "Daddy" on it as it represents a special moment that my husband shares with our son.
                              • Kekky
                                Hey, my little boy Adam absolutely loves Nutella and when he is not well its is the only thing he will have and always makes him feel better. I don't mind him having it as often as he likes as it is full of goodness and tastes great :) I know he would be beside himself if he had a jar with his name on it. I am also a huge fan of Nutella and always keep a jar in my desk at work for a sweet afternoon treat with crackers yummy :) xx
                                • gingell69
                                  Taila is nuts about Nutella, my daughter Taila loves natella but is always complaining that her little sister has eaten it all. If I were to get her and her sister Milli their own lables to put on jars there would be no more arguing, and we would have one happy mum.
                                  • chazyojyummy
                                    My son loves his nutella hes 2 and a half and has it everyday on eith toast, pancakes or waffles. He would eat it from the jar if i wud allow him too haha he would live his own personalised jar
                                    • sexkitten
                                      I just love nutella and toast x
                                      • clairydoug1
                                        After reading this I have Just sent my husband out for a jar of Nutella, I'm at home sitting waiting, with spoon in hand!
                                        • angel21
                                          We all love nutella on toast, bread, or watching a film with a jar and a spoon. But my totally favourite it warm nutella on ice cream delicious.