I was fortunate with my first baby that she had colic for a matter of days before we discovered baby massage, and the tummy massage sorted her out with no other interventions required. My second baby never even needed burping, however, so colic wasn't on our radar at all - and I do count myself blessed. In my previous existence as a baby massage instructor, I've had parents on the phone to me in tears asking for help as their babies struggled with painful colic.
One of the tips that comes up often for bottle fed babies is trying a different style of bottle, and I've had many parents tell me that these Dr Brown bottles were a godsend for colic and reflux, and while they may be a pain to clean, the results have been transformative.
Now, we know that every baby is different, and what works for one doesn't always work for another, but at this price, if you're dreading colic-hour it's well worth trying for the relief it may bring.
It looks like a number of Tesco stores around the country have reduced the Dr Browns Natural Flow 240ml Twin Pack bottle set to £6, where they are usually over £12.
P.S. You can also try the tummy massage. There are loads of Youtube videos that will tell you how to do it effectively.