Be quick! have the Boots newborn wide neck starter set for only £1.67 just now. This was originally £6.69, so that’s an impressive saving.
- Click here to purchase the Boots newborn starter set from*
- Fancy a cold water sterilising unit, then click here*
What’s in the Boots newborn starter set? Well, it really has the essentials, two wide neck 250ml bottles, two wide neck 90ml bottles, bottle brush and two extra teats (medium flow). The bottles included all have slow flow teats on them to accommodate your tiny one.
These can of course be used with formula or if you are expressing breast milk then these are suitable for that too.
Not a bad price at all for such a package. Take it from me, you do not need hundreds of bottles, so this would be an adequate start for baby feeding equipment. With them being wide neck they are much easier to clean. are also selling a cold water steriliser for only £2.51 with an original price of £10.04. This uses the old fashioned method of sterilising tablets or fluid. I know a fair few parents that still favour sterilising in this way.
You can collect the Boots newborn starter set and/or cold water steriliser for £1.95 from your local Boots store (free with a £20 or more spend) or pay £2.95 for delivery.