Amazon are selling the Babymoov Baby Bowls for £5.77, a £1.52 reduction in price. They are a set of six bowls, ideal for toddler snacks and baby food.
It's been one of the biggest adjustments in parenting for me, having to take snacks with us and plan for hungry toddlers. It took a while for me to cotton on, and my daughter was constantly asking friends for their snacks, and I kind of got the message and bought a bunch of supplies for snack, and bowls to put them in.
I did find that they go missing a lot though, so while my first set were quite expensive, I didn't make that mistake the second time round, and this set for just under £6 for six bowls with lids would be just as perfect.
They have a capacity of 250ml so can hold a fair bit, are 100% airtight and can be cold sterilised, though why you would sterilise food bowls for tots is beyond me.
They are BPA free though, so no nasties leaching into your snackpots.
Now just to fill them and you're off.