6 Tommee Tippee Closer To Nature 150ml Bottles £13.99 @ Amazon

6 Tommee Tippee Closer To Nature 150ml Bottles £13.99 @ Amazon

tommeeTippeeCloserToNatureBottlesAmazon are selling this set of six Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature 150ml bottles for £13.99 instead of £22.99.

It doesn't matter whether or not you choose to breastfeed or bottle feed, bottles are an essential piece of baby kit.

If you bottle feed then that's obvious, but having bottles on hand when you're breastfeeding means other members of family can share the feeding experience too, using expressed milk.

What can I tell you about the Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature bottles...

Well, they've been designed with the help of breastfeeding experts, the Closer to Nature easivent teat mimics the natural flex, movement and softness of a mum’s breast, to make switching between breast and bottle, as and when, nice and easy for your baby.

The bottles have been designed to be held in the most natural positions during feeding and can be held in 3 ways: cradles comfortably in the hand, gripped in the same way as a traditional wide neck bottle, held from the base; making feeding comfortable for everyone.  And all parts are BPA free, which is VERY important.

This is an Amazon Deal of the Week so the £13.99 price is guaranteed to remain the same ALL this week; hurrah!

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