Mum Blasted For Changing Nappy In Public

Mum Blasted For Changing Nappy In Public

Changing your baby's nappy when you're out and about can be stressful at the best of times. But would you ever consider changing a nappy in a public place?

Maybe the changing facilities are already in use or not adequate, or you simply can't make it to them easily due to having more than one child in your care – we've all been there, haven't we?

Well, one mum has taken to social media to share her dismay at being criticised for changing her baby's nappy in the outdoor area of her local cafe.

The Daily Mail reports:

Dion Skull, 31, says she was 'humiliated' when she was told off for putting a new nappy on her one-year-old on the grass outside the Farmhouse Cafe in Guildford, Surrey.

Ms Skull, who is mother to twin boys Luca and Zack, was reprimanded when a fellow diner complained.

Dion later wrote on social media:

Sometimes, having one year old twins is hard. You can't get your pushchair in through the baby change door at the cafe.

So sometimes dilemmas present themselves:

- Leave Twin 1 unattended while I change Twin 2?

- Leave the cafe completely half way through lunch?

- Leave Twin 2 sat in his own **** ?

Or... knowing that there is no ideal situation, and given I'm sat outside, shall I change the baby on the grass?

She added that she visits the cafe at least once a week and changed her son on the grass so that she could keep an eye on his brother. She wrote that she made sure that it was "almost impossible" for anyone to see anything and that if anyone saw something that offended them, they were looking too closely.

I'm in two minds on this issue. On the one hand, I can see why fellow diners were put off by a child's dirty nappy being changed in full view while they were eating their food. But equally I can't see what else this mother could have done, under the circumstances.

And as for publicly addressing the issue, I think the cafe staff ought to have had more tact, given that she was changing the nappy on the grass because their changing facilities aren't usable for a mum with a twin pushchair.

But we'd love to hear your views on this. Do you think it's ever acceptable to change a baby's nappy in public, or do you think parents shouldn't frequent places with their children if they don't have adequate changing facilities? Leave us a comment here or come and join the conversation over on our Facebook page. And don't forget to vote in our poll.

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  • izzywoo

    ive changed my little one laying in the boot of my car or on grass near a park....its Not a big deal!  Mums have a stressful time enough!