It is January. You probably already noticed that. Hard to miss it when all the telltale signs are there. Grey skies, dark afternoons and empty bank accounts. Another clue is all the signs up announcing January sales. Although that's not quite as much an indicator as it used to be. Nowadays, the January sales seem to start in December.
However, here we are coming into the tail end of the sales, and anything that is left is going to go bargain basement. Also, there are stores that do GASP start their sales in January, and others that refresh the stock in the sale section each week. Here's a roundup of the big retailers of baby stuff who are still running sales. Boots, for example, have finished their sales so we've not included them here. Likewise, JoJo Maman Bebe still has its sale section, but the winter sale with up to 75% off seems to be finished now.
The same with the Mothercare Clearance shop, although the usual reductions you'll find year round are in there so it is still worth having a look. Such as the 50% Off Top Products section.
Amazon Baby Special Offers
My first stop when looking to buy anything online is always Amazon. They might not turn out to be the cheapest, but they often are, and as they sell so many different items, they work out as a good baseline for prices. At the moment the site has just under 700 items left in itsJanuary sales Babysection.
For example there is this Baby Dan Bathime Safety Grab Railis reduced by 63%, down from £12.99 to £4.79. And delivery is free. And this Kaiser Swaddle Blanket, down from £29.90 to £17.30.
Argos Nursery Price Cuts
There are thousands of items in the Argos Nursery Price Cuts section. Or at least, that's according to the website itself. I personally didn't take the time to count them. Discounts range from 20% off to half price or more.
Examples include this Mamas And Papas Porto Pushchair, reduced by 50% from £149.99 to £79.99. There's also 25% off a range of nursery furniture, and 20% off rocking chairs - the kind that's designed specifically for nursing.
Babies R Us Promotional Offers
Where would be without Babies R Us? There's just somethign about being able to go to a big warehouse of baby stuff. I get the same kick out of going to those huge retail estate sized Mothercare stores.
The Babies R Us Promotional Offerssection includes deals such as half price on Chico Keyfit car seats. You can also get a free second seat unit when you buy a Britax B-Dual pushchair, and a free Venture car seat when you buy a 3D pram. Buy one and get the second half price on basics blankets and sheets.
Early Learning Centre Sale & Offers
The site still has up to half price sale on toys and games. Delivery on the site is free when you spend £50 or more. As far as I know, the Early Learning Centre does not allow for delivery to store.
Also in the Early Learning Centre Sale & Offersare deals such as three for two on gardening and outdoor toys, and 50% off Swampster toys. You can also get £10 off a wooden art easel.
John Lewis Clearance Sale
You could get yourself £100 off a cot in the John Lewis clearance sale, which is still ongoing. Another fabulous bargain, to me at least, are the sleeping bags. In many cases these are half price, but be quick as some are already out of stock.
Kiddicare January Clearance
The Kiddicare January Clearance section still has a considerable level of stock in it. I think you might have to really dig to find some of the massive reductions, but there's still good bargains. Such as a Britax B Dual puschair reduced from £449.99 to £279.99.
Mamas & Papas 50% Off
The Mamas & Papas 50% off sale is still going. Items are reduced by half price in nearly all the departments including furniture, interior collections, maternity clothes, and toys.
Tell us
What was the best bargain you got in the January sales (and yes that includes the sales that actually started in December!)