How would you feel if the head teacher at your child's school sent you a letter in which he referred to you as a maniac?
That's exactly what happened when Jim Holditch, headteacher of Godinton Primary School in Ashford, Kent, wrote to parents to advise them to stop speeding during the school drop-off in the mornings.
The Telegraph reports:
The head acted after the school's caretaker Peter Smith saw a silver BMW "nearly take off as it went over speed bumps".
In a 500-word personal message in the latest school newsletter, Mr Holditch wrote: "We all know children don't walk anywhere, they run. We also all know they run without looking or generally being aware of anything around them.
Addressing parents, the headteacher also wrote:
"We were really worried that it was only a matter of time before a child got knocked over by a car manoeuvring in the car park.
"But over the past few mornings, Mr Smith has seen cars obviously being driven by parents who are late for work, and consequently they have sped.
"What is the matter with some of you!?! This is a school.
"Even at 8am, there are children walking around the site, particularly now we have a nursery here as well as our own Breakfast Club.
"If you're late, tough. Get up earlier. Get yourself sorted. Or just arrive late at work. But don't drive your car at any speed on this site.
"If you drive like a maniac because you're late for work, it will only be a matter of time before a child is hurt or, God help us, even worse."
What do you make of this, and is it a similar situation at your school?
Do you think parents tend to drive like maniacs during the school run, and that this is therefore a justified response from a headteacher?
We'd love to hear your thoughts over on our Facebook page.