If you have an Echo*, Dot*, Show* or Spot*. then you have to try out our list of Alexa Commands That'll Make You Giggle. I kid you not, these will have you in stitches - I got my Echo Dot stuck on one skill and ended up with Alexa responding to me in "Meows" for a whole night!
1. "Alexa, I like big butts!"
2. "Alexa, how can I get rid of a dead body?"
3. "Alexa, give me a kiss!"
4. "Alexa, meow"
5. "Alexa, clap!"
6. "Alexa, beam me up!"
7. "Alexa, do you know Siri?"
8. "Alexa, is the cake a lie?"
9. "Alexa, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start"
10. "Alexa, rock, paper, scissors"
11. "Alexa, Hello it's me!"
12. "Alexa, which comes first: the chicken or the egg?"
13. "Alexa, who's the boss?"
15. "Alexa, can you give me some money?"
16. "Alexa, where are my keys?"
17. "Alexa, tell me a joke!"
18. "Alexa, Self Destruct!"
19. "Alexa, Can you rap?"
20. "Alexa, Can you beatbox?"
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